Click on button for PDF download. These include patterns for both the Clear Front Contoured Mask and the Reversible Full Cloth Mask. Be sure to print at FULL SIZE (not “fit to page”). PDFs sized to standard American Letter Size (8.5” x 11”).

If you choose to use my patterns to sell to the public, please provide a link back to me in your product listing so that others may have the pattern, too. While these are meant for non-commercial use, I recognize the need for more widespread dissemination, so that is all I’m asking.


General Size: Chin to Nose up to 4.25”
Extended Size: Chin to Nose up to 5.25”


Youth Size: Chin to Nose up to 3.5”
Toddler Size: Chin to Nose up to 2.75”

If you have a young child, I recommend using the Toddler Size for stuffed animals to help them process mask-wearing through interactive play!